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Hearing Aid


Hearing loss is not uncommon and nothing to be afraid of. Here at Quail Creek Ear, Nose, & Throat Center we are determined to provide our patients with the best hearing aid technology on the market today. Hearing aids are amplification devices that are prescribed for the user’s hearing loss to help give back volume, clarity, and overall quality of life. At Quail Creek Ear, Nose, & Throat Center, we fit many brands and styles of hearing aids to best for our patient’s needs.


How do you know if you have a hearing loss? Ask yourself these questions.

  1. Are you turning the volume up on the television?

  2. Do you hear, but not necessarily understand what others are saying?

  3. Do you have difficulty following conversations in noisy places (i.e., restaurant)?

  4. Do you often ask people to repeat themselves?


Let us help! If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above you may have a hearing loss, schedule an appointment with one of our licensed audiologists for a free hearing aid consultation today!

Hearing aids can improve hearing and speech comprehension for patients with many types of hearing loss. In addition, hearing aids have also been shown to improve the user’s social, psychological, and physical well-being.


The selection and fitting of hearing aids is a very individualized process based upon your hearing loss, lifestyle, physical capabilities, and budget. We have a wide array of hearing aid options. The licensed audiologist will work directly with you to determine the best hearing aid for you.


Why seek treatment for hearing loss? Benefits people report after seeking treatment for hearing loss:

  • Better relationships with their families

  • Better feelings about themselves

  • Improved mental health

  • Greater independence and security

We offer hearing aids from the following major manufacturers. Please click on the links for product line details and information.


Financing options available through CareCredit.  

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